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How can one donate to the Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa?

Donations can be made directly to our account in Nairobi:
Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa-Nairobi
P O Box 30125-00100
Commercial Bank of Africa
Current Account No. 6427680018 for donations in Kenya shillings
Dollar Account No. 6427680026 for donations in US dollars

Or to our Branch in Arusha:

Flying Doctors Society of Africa-Arusha Branch
Stanbic Bank Tanzania-Arusha Branch
P O Box 3062 Arusha
Telephone 007 272509716
Current Account No TZS 0140007707801 for donations in Tanzania shillings
Dollar Account No. USD 0240007707801 for donations in US Dollars

You can also donate through our MPESA Paybill Number 524300