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Double Tragedy

Memories of what happened in July 2021 in Purity Pendo Kazunguu’s life remain fresh in her mind. This is the month and year Pendo, a mother of one, was expecting her firstborn child. Just like many first-time mothers Pendo had done her due diligence and she knew well the month, and the hospital she will get maternal services from.

When the day arrived, Pendo was rushed to hospital as per plan. Although she delivered her firstborn the scars, she got in the process have remained to haunt her to date. “I struggled to deliver the baby but by God’s grace I managed to deliver a bouncing baby boy,” Pendo says jovially.

Pendo, 22, notes that at the time she was discharged from the hospital, she didn’t know she had a problem but it was upon arriving home she realized something was amiss.

“I thought it was just normal, perineal tears that occur when a woman delivers and heal after some few weeks but that wasn’t the case for me. I had suffered a fistula while going through the process of delivering. On top, part of my large intestine was injured by the doctor assisting me to deliver. I currently use colostomy for long calls,” explains Pendo.

The experience turned her life upside down. It’s at this time it dawned on her she was suffering from fistula. “It has been a painful journey. A walk of shame. Sometimes I ask God a lot of questions on why he allowed this to happen to me,” says a mother of one.

For now, Pendo is happy that her life will be back to normal as she has gone through a fistula repair surgery sponsored by M-PESA Foundation, The Flying Doctors Society of Africa and Royal Media Services. “This is an answered prayer for me and my husband for it has lifted a burden in our lives,” remarks Pendo.

Pendo, observes that although she has been treated for fistula, she is not out of the woods yet as she still needs help to treat the injury she suffered on her large intestine. “I am grateful I was among lucky people to be treated for fistula but still I need help because my system was tampered with as I have to use a tube while going for a long call,” he notes amid tears.

Pendo notes that if only he can get someone to help her recover from this condition, she will be grateful as she will get back to her hustles. “I would appreciate getting help to reconstruct my large intestines. This will help me go back to my day-to-day activities normally,” says Pendo.

According to Pendo’s husband, Kyengo Mwakamusha, their life was thrown into a dark phase in July 2021. This was in contrast to their expectations; of the warmth and joy the baby brings into a home. “Ours was a mixture of happiness and tears,” he remarks.

Kyengo, a bodaboda operator, notes that treating the fistula is expensive, especially for people doing manual jobs. He urges the government to put more attention to the health care of its people. He notes that most young people doing casual jobs are not in a position to provide their families with health coverage. He points out that good health is the key to the development of any nation.

Kyengo says that they had previously visited different hospitals but they were not lucky to be treated, “We are indeed touched by the generosity extended to us by the Flying Doctors Society of Africa together with partners for their services. They have salvaged us from the valley of shame.”

He further pleads for those in a position to help repair her wife’s system to assist them, “Utumbo wake uko nje hata akienda haja kubwa hutumia pipe,” says Kyengo. (Her intestines were affected during birth and even when going for a long call she has to use a pipe). He notes that he is currently not in a position to raise the money needed to amend that.

Pendo is happy that despite the hardship, pain and shame she has faced her husband has stood with her through it all. “I am grateful to my husband that he hasn’t abandoned me even a day despite the challenges. He has been working around the clock to meet our daily needs. He has been so loving, and supportive to me and my baby. I am thankful to God for him,” says Pendo as she showers her husband with praise.

Pendo notes that if all goes well she will go back to her work and help her husband in providing for the family. “I am good in plaiting and I am sure if I can get the support I can pursue a course in hairdressing so that I can assist my husband,” she notes adding the cost of living has slowed down her husband’s development projects.

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