Gladys Masiembe is a 52-year-old woman. She comes off as very confident and open. She narrates that she is married and has eight children. She first suffered fistula in 1995 after having her first child. Gladys had prolonged labour and delivered a generally heavier than average baby. The baby was four kilograms heavy. She laboured …Read More
Tag Archives: FDSA Fistula camp
I Took Over The Counter Medication As I Could Not Afford Treatment
Caroline Naliaka Wafula is a 30-year-old mother of four living in Sikanga village in Bungoma County. She sounds aloof but agrees to proceed with the interview. Having dropped out of school in class five, Caroline got married at an early age and resultantly bore children while still young. She had her first child in 2011 …Read More
I Got Fistula As A teen, Lived With It For 33 Years!
Caren 47-year-old Caren is a ball of energy and confidence.You can tell from her speech. Life has, however, not been a bed of roses for her. She gave birth to eight children unfortunately, she has only four living children. Caren has been living with fistula for the past 33 years. She was 14 when she …Read More
I Was Diagnosed With Fistula, Hyperthyroidism And lupus
Speaking with Elizabeth on phone, I sense her calmness in her speech noting that is exceptionally composed. Elizabeth is a 38-year-old mother of three who lives in Kilifi. She delivered her last-born child in November 2018. She delivered normally but suspects that she suffered extensive tears because at the time of delivery she had to …Read More
I Was Convinced I Was Not Eating Well
Marie is a very strong and outspoken 34-year-old mother of two. When we approach her for the interview, we find her talking to younger mothers in the ward. She is a staunch Christian and attributes her strength to persevere through fistula and receiving free treatment to God. Marie has been suffering from fistula since June …Read More
I Was Abused, Harassed Those I Considered Friends
Mary sits shyly on her hospital bed. You can tell that she wishes the bed would swallow her. Even in her shyness, you can see a slight smile, perhaps one of contentment and relief. Mary is a 22-year-old girl from Gataka, Ngong. She has been living with fistula since August 2020 when she delivered her …Read More
I Look Forward To Resuming Work
Sandra sounds nervous but excited on the other end of the phone as she speaks to me. She is a 34-year-old mother of three. Unfortunately, she has only two living children. Sandra suffered a miscarriage during the sixth month of her last pregnancy. Sandra suffered fistula in 2015. She was unable to seek any medical …Read More
How My Decision Not to go to Hospital Early Cost me Dearly
We met 45-year-old Catherine Chebet at the 13th Fistula National Camp held at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in July 2019. A teary but beaming Catherine, who hails from Bomet county, shared her fistula journey with us. “My second pregnancy was one that I enjoyed; it was smooth without any complications. However, the outcome was …Read More
Why My 11-Year-Old Son Offered to Pay for My Fistula Repair Surgery
33-year-old Beth Cecilia Piyai from Kajiado county is a mother of five. Her children –all boys -are aged 11 years, 9 years, 7 years, 5 years and 2 years. After delivering her lastborn child two years ago, Beth, an unemployed widow, developed a fistula, and had no means to have it repaired. But as from …Read More
I Feared Getting Pregnant Again Because of My Traumatic Birth Experience
Adelaide Khabere Ganira is a 46-year-old mother of two daughters, aged 26 years and 24 years. Originally from Kaimosi in Western Kenya, Adelaide is a businesswoman who operates in Kiserian, Kajiado County. Adelaide has lived with a fistula for the last two decades. She talks about this journey. “My experience began after I delivered my …Read More